May is the month dedicated to Blessed Mary, mother of Jesus Christ. A ceremony is scheduled at St. Jude’s Cathedral on Sunday, May 6th during which Bishop Parkes will consecrate our diocese and all people who live in the five counties of the Diocese of St. Petersburg to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. “Consecrating ourselves to Mary means accepting her help to offer ourselves and the whole of humankind to Him who is holy, infinitely holy; it means accepting her help – by having recourse to her motherly heart.” (Bishop Parkes)
The Benedictine Sisters suggest this month that you consider reading and sharing with family from At Prayer with Mary by John Phalen, CSC and James Posluszny, CSC. Or , you may choose to use any other material on Mary and the church, or spend some special time pondering the life of Mary and her impact on your life. As Phalen outlines on the cover of the book, readers are invited to reflect on the realities in the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary: her humanness, her poverty, and her daily struggles. In focusing on these aspects of her life, we discover in Mary a model of Christian living who invites us to join her as disciples of her son, Jesus Christ.
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