Today is National Day of Prayer. It is so easy to forget to pray. Jesus knows about being human, a soul housed in a human body, a body which needs air, needs water, needs food. But He admonishes us that we must also nourish our spiritual self not only through the sacraments, but also through private prayer.
Today we have the opportunity to join with all people of faith in prayer for ourselves, our communities, and our world. We can go into our personal desert to pray alone as Jesus did while on earth. But prayer is an anywhere, anytime, activity. We can pray in the car, in the shower, while we walk, during the commercial breaks while watching television (the mute button is useful here). Jesus is always ready to hear us.
Today, let us join all who pray. Let us raise our souls to God, if only for moment, if only to say “Here I am. Thank you for life. Thank you for now”.
~by Sister Eileen Dunbar
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