Luminaries of Love
Luminaries of Love is an opportunity to remember or honor your loved ones at this joyous season. A gift of gratitude, a gift of remembrance, a gift to your family or a gift just because … The Benedictine Sisters of Florida will place the name of the individual(s) on a lit luminary and place them in the circular drive at Holy Name Monastery Christmas Eve. Our prayer is that this will be a connection of the heart for you.
Each luminary is a donation of $5.00 to the Benedictine Sisters of Florida and its ministries in our community. Just go to our website at:
Click on the DONATE NOW at the top of the page. Fill-out the form and at the very bottom in the purpose of the donation area:
- Choose “Luminaries” and
- Choose “Dedicated to” and type-in the name(s)
- Please designate IMO (im memory of), IHO (in honor of), etc.
You can also send a check with your request to:
Benedictine Sisters of Florida PO Box 2450, St. Leo, Fl 33574-2450
If you are local you are welcome to take your luminary home the next day.
I have already requested one. I hope it went through. God bless you all.
it did and we got it.