The Benedictine Sisters of Florida have served for over 131 years as messengers of the Gospel and as followers of Jesus’ example in responding to the needs of others through our prayers, works of education, mercy, spiritual guidance and stewardship. The Rule of Saint Benedict is the source of the living spiritual tradition that informs the lives of Benedictine women and men across the world. Within the Rule lie the Gospel and the person of Jesus Christ. The primary ideas that permeate the Rule are love and wisdom. The love of God and love of others impel us to look outside ourselves. It calls us not only to see Christ in others, but also to treat others as Christ and to act for others with love in the place of God.
The Benedictine Sisters of Florida seek God in monastic community, prayer, and ministry. Nourished by the Word of God and our life together, we respond with the compassion of Christ to feed the hungers of the people of God. We strive to help all people in our realm of influence to develop their fullest human and spiritual potential.
We share our human and material resources and our monastic values of community and liturgical worship through works of mercy, education, hospitality, and stewardship.
Changing the World through our Corporate Commitment
In an effort to address contemporary local needs, we, the Benedictine Sisters of Florida, commit ourselves and our resources to respond with the compassion of Christ to the physical, spiritual, social, and emotional hungers of the people of God. Corporate Commitment statement of the Benedictine Sisters of Florida adopted 6/15/1995 and reaffirmed each year during our Community Days. Our ministries and programs grow out of our Corporate Commitment and reflect Jesus’ call to us all to be the presence of God’s love to all people. Our Partners and Volunteers are instrumental in the execution of our Corporate Commitment.
Core Values
We share the following Benedictine values and resources in response to the hungers of the people of God.
- Community We seek God in a balanced life of prayer and work, community and solitude, and an integration of contemplative living and active ministry. We structure our life together so that all are held to be gifted by the Spirit, all are seen as equal, and all are called to participation.
- Prayer Eucharist and God’s Word nourish, transform, and unite us to the wider church, giving meaning and purpose to our ministries and opening our doors and hearts in compassion and hospitality to others. Our steadfast commitment to Liturgy of the Hours and personal prayer creates community centered daily on the Word of God.
- Hospitality We freely and generously open our lives to others in hospitality and place ourselves in service to the larger community. We discern the presence of the Creator in all creatures as we see Christ in our sisters, our guests, the stranger, and the poor. Our prayer is that all experience God’s grace and a sense of peace.
- Stewardship We commit out human and financial resources for good works, education, and hospitality. We are compelled to cherish, nurture, and preserve all that is touched by the Creator’s hand.
- Good Works We are called to listen prayerfully and respond with the compassion of Christ to the physical, spiritual, intellectual, social, and emotional hungers of the people of God.
- Peace and Justice We strive for peace through our commitment to pursue justice for all.