Community Philosophy Statement
We, the Benedictine Sisters of Florida of the Federation of Saint Scholastica, are a cenobitic community of vowed Christian women who seek God in an intensified life of prayer and service. Rooted in the Word of God, we center our life in the Eucharist, Liturgy of the Hours, and Lectio Divina . In response to a call to deepen our Baptismal commitment, we live our vows of Obedience, Stability, and Fidelity to the Monastic Way of Life in covenant with God and the members of our community. Because we are Christ to one another, we form bonds of mutual love and respect and call forth the best in one another. We freely and generously open our lives to others in hospitality and place ourselves in service to the larger community “that in all things God may be glorified.”
Corporate Commitment
We, the Benedictine Sisters of Florida, commit ourselves and our resources to respond with the compassion of Christ to the hungers of the people of God.