If God calls you to our monastic way of life, what would life be like?
Our Benedictine monastic life is a balanced life of prayer and ministry. We come to the monastery in response to our inmost desire to seek God and to know God more intimately. We do not make our faith journey alone but in a community of like-minded women. Rooted in the Rule of Benedict, Scripture, and the Eucharist, we strive to be constantly aware of the presence of God in all aspects of our daily lives.
As a community we support one another, challenge each other to grow, and respond to the hungers of the people of God.
Our Prayer Life
We begin our day with Morning Praise, one of the elements of Liturgy of the Hours, followed by Mass. As a community we come together in the chapel several times a day to pray Mid-Day Prayer, Vespers, and Compline. Each of us spends private time, either in the chapel or in a quiet place, in personal prayer and Lectio (sacred reading and meditation). And wherever we go, whatever we do, we keep God in our hearts.
Community Life
- In community the Benedictine vocation is both nurtured and expressed. Participation in communal activities and contribution in mutual service give witness to personal commitment to community.
- We encourage each other to grow in community, in mutual obedience, in love, and in the lived expression of our vows.
- Each of us establishes a balance between internal and external activities which permits our active participation in communal prayer, activities, and service.
- We strive to be respectful to each others unique personality, abilities, and needs.
- We encourage open communication and strive to settle our differences directly with the parties involved.
- We express collegiality through our personal commitment to shared decision making, our participation in communal activities, and our service to others.
- We receive each guest as Christ.
Our Vows
Through monastic profession, we publicly commit ourselves to live the monastic way of life. We vow or promise
- Stability This means that we are rooted in God and that we belong to our community where we will stay and grow together
- Obedience We listen and respond to the voice of God heard in the prioress, in one another, in the church, and in the poor
- Fidelity to the Monastic Way of Life Our faithfulness to our way of life enables us to be transformed, in Christ, into love
Who is eligible to become a member of Holy Name Monastery?
Those wishing to join our Benedictine community must be single, a practicing Catholic in good standing in the church, and of good mental and physical health. Generally applicants are between the ages of 20 and 50, but we have, on occasion, taken older women. Women must be free to enter our way of life, that is they are free of financial obligation and have no dependents.
What are the stages of becoming a member of Holy Name Monastery?
The first step in joining our community is to become an Affiliate. During this time, you learn more about our community and further discern God’s will for you through visits, correspondence, and retreats.
When you enter our community, you become a Postulant. You gain more knowledge and experience of being a Benedictine by living in community and sharing in our prayer and work.
When you are ready you become a Novice. During your Novitiate year you prepare for monastic profession through an intense spiritual formation in the Benedictine tradition.
When you make your temporary profession of vows (for a period of three years), you become a Scholastic. You fully live the Benedictine way of life while you engage in full time ministry, studies, and/or professional training.
After this you make a life long commitment as you become a Professed Sister. You continue learning to seek God more and more each day and you strive to prefer nothing whatever to the love of Christ.
Vocation Awareness Programs
As the only mother house in the Diocese of St. Petersburg, we welcome women between the ages of 20 and 50 something to explore a monastic vocation. Holy Name Monastery is open to you and offers the following programs:
Share Life – Choose a day or weekend
Time for Seekers – Be with us any or all days between December 26th and January 1st
Discernment Retreat – Serious seekers can take a weekend of peace
Schedule dates convenient for you!
Contact us to learn more or to schedule a program:
Sister Eileen Dunbar, Vocation Office
Holy Name Monastery
P.O. Box 2450
St. Leo, FL 33574-2450
Phone: (352) 588-8320 or Email: vocation@saintleo.edu