The situation with the reception of refugees remains intense. People from the eastern regions of our country continue to arrive here and seek refuge. Most of them managed to escape the bombardments by evacuation trains or green corridors and have already witnessed the explosions. They are often very stressed and need to be taken care of.
On the day of the Lord’s Resurrection, there are 117 people (44 of them children) in our monastery without monks and nuns (139 in total). We were able to increase the number of beds a little and create a more comfortable stay for them. In total, more than five hundred people during this period asked to stay overnight or stayed at the monastery for some time. Now we have mostly families who are permanent and don’t want to go any further. With
some of the families we developed a warm and friendly relationship, they quickly became part of our family. At the Easter Vigil there was the Baptism of our youngest resident, Nicol Scholastica, who was only two weeks old at the time of her arrival.
Thanks to your help we can take these people in and give them everything they need, and we are infinitely grateful that you are sympathetic to our suffering and that you are close to us in such a concrete way.
The Benedictine Sisters of Florida and our donors have contributed to the refugee relief.
We thank you for your loving support to the Sisters and their missions!
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