Some thoughts as we celebrate the Feast of the Transfiguration.
Today, August 6th, is a holy day, but sadly it is also Hiroshima Day, the anniversary of the first use of the atomic bomb in 1945. Hiroshima is the absolute opposite of the Transfiguration. Hiroshima means despair/death – it means things too horrible to remember and too important to forget. Hiroshima demonstrates for us that action divorced from contemplation, temps us to self-justification regarding the past and numbness or passivity regarding the future.
Transfiguration means life! Transfiguration means Hope! Jesus’ faith was tested in fire that transformed the cross into a sign of love that we adore. Witnessing the Transfiguration gave the disciples strength to go down the mountain and continue Jesus’ mission.
Today, we must WAKE UP! Remember who God is and who we are!
Today, we must, in the name of humanity – repent, and rededicate ourselves to prayer and action for peace, that the transfigured Jesus, who conquers with love, serves, and whose judgement is mercy, might be seen in us.
PEACE! Let us be conformed to Christ and mercy’s prophetic way!
Sister Mary David Hydro
I pray a rosary every night for world peace as requested by our Mother, Mary. I also pray for peace every morning. I am sure God hears, but it has to be in His time.
I am not sure what moderation is needed as our Mother, Mary requested this at Fatima – a Rosary a day.