Mass and Prayer Times
Seekers Week
A Special Invitation – Seekers Week!
Are you discerning a vocational call to religious life? Are you a single Catholic woman who is curious about the Benedictine way of seeking God. We invite you to come spend time with the Sisters to learn about our life together. Seekers Week at Holy Name Monastery is: December 26, 2020 to January 1, 2021.
Time for Seekers is an opportunity to listen to God in the richness of prayer, liturgy, silence and Community in a monastic setting. Sharing with others and a vocation director is also part of this special program. If this sounds like something that could be the answer to your prayer, register with S. Mary Clare at 352-588-7188 or
If the Seekers Week schedules are not convenient, please know that you are welcome to visit our community when you can arrange to be free of other commitments. There will be opportunities to join the Sisters at daily prayer, Mass and meals. There may be some planned program presentations and time to spend in personal prayer, or enjoy our outdoor environment. The cost in a free-will donation.
Or, you may want to attend our Sunday liturgy (Mass) at 10:30 a.m. to get a sneak preview before arranging an overnight visit. Let us know ahead of time and then introduce yourself and we’ll welcome you for a meal.
To arrange a day-visit please contact me at or call 352-588-8318. To make arrangements for an overnight visit, contact S. Mary Clare at 352-588-7188 or Please share a little bit about yourself…where you are residing, your parish involvement, your profession, your interest in our community…
In the meantime, you may like to explore the vocation survey found on this website.
With kind regards and a prayer that God’s blessings be with you.
Sister Roberta Bailey, O.S.B., Office of the Prioress
Benedictine Sisters of Florida at Holy Name Monastery
PO Box 2450 – 12138 Wichers Road
St. Leo, FL 33574
Phone: (352) 588-8320
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