Below is a reflection we’re sharing from the Diocese of St. Petersburg.
It was posted January 22, 2022.
No Longer Mr. Forsaken
“…from my mother’s womb he gave me my name.” Isaiah 49:1
We’re all born with a name. And throughout our lives, most people collect nicknames, pet names, terms of endearment, etc… but we all share one common name.
Back in Isaiah, it says that the Lord has called us by a new name. No longer are we Mr. Forsaken or Ms. Desolate… but we are called His Delight. Friend, we are His Beloved.
From the moment that a child is conceived in the mother’s womb, that child is His Delight. That child is one of His Beloved. Today is the nationally recognized Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children. So let us pray especially today for all the children of the world and their protection. All of His Delights. All of His Beloved.
Father, thank you for giving us a new name. Thank you for holding us as your children and as your Delight. Take care of all your children, both the born and unborn, so that they will all experience the goodness of your glory.
Reflection by:
Francesca is part of the Spirit FM team, and can be heard on-air on the weekends. She currently attends law school and loves to lead worship. In her spare time she likes spending time with her nieces, iced coffee runs, Disney world, and youth ministry.
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