Are you in Need of Prayer Nourishment?
Our Commitment to prayer for the world is a hallmark of monastic life.

Our Mission is to seek God in a monastic community, prayer and active ministry. We freely and generously open our lives and monastery to others in hospitality as we place ourselves in service to God and the larger community.

God’s blessings be yours.The Benedictine calling is to listen prayerfully and respond with the compassion of Christ to the physical, spiritual, intellectual, social and emotional hungers of the people of God.


"Benedictine spirituality offers more a way of life and an attitude of mind than it does a set of religious prescriptions. It deals with the meaning and purpose of life. It is the logic of daily life."
From The Rule of Benedict - Insights for the Ages
by Sister Joan Chittister, OSB


Join Us and Feel Good About Being a Part of Something Greater Than Yourself

What We Do

Mission & Vision
Mission & Vision


Spiritual Guidance
Spiritual Guidance



Other Ministries
Other Ministries


Federation Statement
Federation Statement

Stories Shared

  • Going to a monastery has always been on my bucket list.  I am a mental health therapist and my husband is the pastor at a church, so a lot of times I find myself doing the work of God rather than resting in God.  My husband gifted me a retreat to stay with the Benedictine Sisters for Mother’s Day.  This is the best Mother’s Day gift I have received.  I really enjoyed the solitude and opportunity to connect with God all while getting to interact with the sisters.   (more…)
    Karen Culbertson – May 2018
  • From the moment my friend Cindy emailed me about Holy Name Monastery I was intrigued by the idea having really no idea at all what I might experience in such a place or what to expect.  Coming from the cold of Canada, the setting here … (more…)
    Carol Klar – March 2018
  • My name is Trang Pham and this is my fourth retreat at Holy Name Monastery.  Each time, I came for a different reason.  I felt like I needed time to pray before I start my married life… (more…)
    Trang Pham – March 2019
  • The time spent with the Benedictine  Sisters of Florida bring the key words community and balance to mind.  It is a community of believers that are committed to serving God and mankind through prayers and works....  Someone said, "It's a'' about the journey."  I'm still on that "Long and Winding Road" that leads me back to you God.  Being part of this community has given me some new concepts to put into action and helped me be more Christ-like... (more…)
    Margaret Cundiff
  • People will smile and call me “Flower Child,” though I’m 80, when they see the floral wreath atop my ancient Subaru.  Why? they ask.  Because it makes me happy, I say, and I hope it makes you happy too.  We connect – perhaps a child, a truck driver, a fellow gardener. (more…)
    Judith Grant – August 2018
  • Going to a monastery has always been on my bucket list.  I am a mental health therapist and my husband is the pastor at a church, so a lot of times I find myself doing the work of God rather than resting in God.  My husband gifted me a retreat to stay with the Benedictine Sisters for Mother’s Day.  This is the best Mother’s Day gift I have received.  I really enjoyed the solitude and opportunity to connect with God all while getting to interact with the sisters.   (more…)
    Karen Culbertson – May 2018
  • From the moment my friend Cindy emailed me about Holy Name Monastery I was intrigued by the idea having really no idea at all what I might experience in such a place or what to expect.  Coming from the cold of Canada, the setting here … (more…)
    Carol Klar – March 2018

Articles of Interest